BWCA Day at the Capitol – Happy Hour

Bad Weather Brewing, 414 7th St W, St Paul, MN

After our BWCA Day at the Capitol, join us at right down the road at Bad Weather Brewing to keep the BWCA Rally energy flowing! Swap stories, share ideas, and connect with fellow wilderness defenders over a cold brew. Whether you made it to the Rally or not, come build community with other passionate protectors of clean water and wild places.

  • An evening event to participate in meaningful conversation and partake in action items concerning protecting the Boundary Waters
  • Enter to win giveaway items 
  • Hear updates from the Day at the Capitol from Friends staff
  • Opportunities to contact Gov Walz and your elected officials using email text or phone call script we will provide during the happy hour
  • Invite your friends and family! Keep that BWCA Day at the Capitol energy going!