Lunch with Friends – Outdoor Education Opportunities for Kids

Virtual - Zoom

Thursday, April 11, 2024, 12pm

What does Boundary Waters outdoor education look like? We’re gearing up for summer adventures in the BWCA, and there are some incredible groups getting out there for their first time!

Join us for Lunch with the Friends, learn all about the No Boundaries to the Boundary Waters program that works to get underserved kids from across the state connected to the BWCA through online resources, in class sessions, and expeditions in the BWCA.

Kids in the woods at a picnic table - graphic for Lunch with Friends - Outdoor Education webinar

Education Coordinators Izzie Smith and Rachel Hedlund, along with Board Member Adán Torres will give you hands-on experiences of student activities and demonstrate the incredible reach this program has already had for over 6,000 students across the state.

Come ready to learn and engage virtually in this unique Lunch with the Friends opportunity!