Support Prove It First
With a few clicks below you can send a personalized email to your Minnesota legislators in the House and Senate asking them to support the Prove It First Law. It’s a fast and easy way to advocate for clean water and protecting Minnesota lakes from harmful mining practices.
Copper-sulfide mining is the greatest threat to Minnesota’s clean water in decades. The proposed Twin Metals and PolyMet copper-sulfide mines pose an existential threat to the Boundary Waters and Lake Superior.
To address this danger, the Prove It First Law would require that before a copper-sulfide mine could be permitted in Minnesota, they must first show independent scientific proof that a copper-sulfide mine has operated elsewhere in the United States for at least ten years without causing pollution AND has been closed for at least ten years without causing pollution.
If these mines cannot meet even this basic standard, why would we allow Minnesota’s cleanest water to become the Guinea Pig for unproven and risky technology?