No boundaries to the boundary waters

Educational & Guided Canoe Trips

Giving kids who have never fished, paddled or gone more than a few yards from a road the opportunity to go on multi-day, wilderness canoe trips.

Canoe Trips for Diverse & Underserved Students

For most of the participants, it is their first visit to the BWCAW. The trip offers them a chance to build confidence, work in a group, learn about the area and make friends.

Trip Highlights
  • A weeklong educational trip to the Boundary Waters led by our Outfitting Partners.
  • Trips act as an extension of your classroom lesson plans.

Meet Our
Outfitting Partners

Highlights of Previous Trips

Get Your School Involved

For access to our online resources, please fill out a few questions, as it helps us to continue to offer these free resources!

Funding for this project was provided by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR).

Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund

Additional funding for canoe expeditions provided by:

Thomas Flint Boundary Waters Wilderness Fund

Bob Johnson Boundary Waters Wilderness Fund

Stand with Asians Community Fund 

Quetico Superior Foundation