Give to the Max logo graphic, featuring a loon with a baby on its back.

Start a Fundraiser for Give to the Max!

Will you be a Boundary Waters CHAMPION during November’s Give to the Max day fundraiser? We’re counting on you to help spread the word by telling your friends, family and followers how important it is to protect clean water and the BWCA, and to support wilderness education and thriving communities. It’s easy! Create a fundraiser for Friends of the Boundary Waters on

1 easy step to create a Fundraiser

We’ve created a TEMPLATE on for you to use or modify, so it couldn’t be easier to start a fundraiser – then share it – and see what happens!

  1. Visit and click “Fundraise”. Login or Sign-up and “Use template provided by organization”. Click “Publish”. Now you’re done!


  1. Add a brief description, e.g. “Doctor Gunflint’s BWCA Fundraiser”
  2. Set a goal. Can you raise $1000 to protect clean water? We think so!
  3. Add a picture or video. Use the provided picture or upload your own – maybe a picture of you from a recent trip? Or use a one of our pictures (Download below).
  4. Tell your story – add to the description we’ve provided, and share why this wilderness and work is important to you.
  5. Submit – that’s it! Now share it like crazy on social media, email, etc. Track your progress on And be sure to thank your friends when donations come in!!!

Getting started with your campaign

The most effective way to shape your fundraiser is to make it real, make it authentic. Share a story, a personal anecdote, tell them what and why the wilderness means to you. People connect with you and your passion, with your sense of wonder! It’s contagious!

Here are some ideas to get you started:

Share a picture

Got a great picture from your last BWCA trip? Something wild, silly or breathtaking? allows you to upload your own picture (or you can use one of ours, below).

In Honor of or in memorial

Who first brought you to the Boundary Waters? That adventurous friend? That badass aunt? Who inspired you with a love for natural places? Think of someone who made a lasting mark and tell others about them. Honor them through dedicating your fundraiser to them!

Share a memory

Tell others about the first time you went to the Boundary Waters. Or the time you chased a bear out of camp by banging pots together. Or what it was like to see your kids explore the lakes for the first time. Or when you caught the bigger fish than your brother.

Share your passion for clean water

Minnesota is famous for its clean water, but it is in danger. Proposed copper-sulfide mines threaten some of the cleanest water in the entire country. Lake Superior and the Boundary Waters are national treasures that cannot be sacrificed for the greed of international mining companies.

Still need help? Reach out to Mike Linnemann at and we will help you to craft your fundraiser to support the BWCA.

Photos to add to your fundraiser