Maple Grove – Clean Water Advocacy Event

Maple Grove Library, 8001 Main St. N., Maple Grove, MN

Lily pad flower and paddle photo - with Text "Clean Water Advocacy Event, September 21, 6-7:30PM, Maple Grove Library

Senate District 34 – Clean Water Advocacy Event
September 21, 2023 6-7:30pm
Maple Grove Library

8001 Main St. N.
Maple Grove, MN 55369

Join us in Maple Grove for an impactful evening dedicated to clean water advocacy. You can help us raise awareness about the importance of clean water and make a difference.

The event will kick off with an engaging presentation by renowned environmental experts, and, we will provide a unique opportunity for attendees to contact elected officials and express their concerns and advocate for clean water policies to their representatives.

RSVP – contact

Let’s take time to make a difference. We’ll see you in Maple Grove!